Monday, October 24, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Photos!

We had lots of fun at the pumpkin patch!  Here are some of the photos we took.  Others took photos as well that we may post soon.  Enjoy!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Playgrounds Too Safe?

Over the years that we have been running Helping Hands...I can recollect several parents that came by to look into our program that were visibly afraid of their child being surrounded by so much nature!  They saw the pointy sticks...they saw the uneven big rocks to climb...hard wooden stumps...etc...and their minds reeled in horror as they thought of all of the ways that their child could be hurt.  These sort of feelings...while they can serve to see to the safety of a child...if left unchecked can cripple a child developmentally.  There is a time for a safety net...and a time to let a child fall and learn from the experience.

I saw this article this morning about how a desire to make everything foam padded has led to playgrounds that are ineffectual at helping children to gain developmental skills...and also decreased fun!  You know...the opposite of the playgrounds we had when we were little!  A good read.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Recycling Fairy Gems...Egg Cartons...and Food...

Recycling Fairy Gems

If you hadn't heard...fairies regularly visit our schoolyard...and leave gems in various colors.  These gems never get old to the children...and they are always thrilled to find them.  It has always been our policy that if the child desires...they can take these treasures home.  We've been doing it so long...we got to thinking..."I wonder if some of the families have big stashes of forgotten fairy gems at their places collecting dust?"  If by chance you have such a stash...feel free to bring it back to Mr. Stephen...and I would be happy to ensure that they are returned to the fairies to do with as they see fit!

Egg Cartons

Our chickens are pumping out a lot of eggs.  While we often are able to keep up with their production by eating the eggs, baking with them, and giving some away...we often find ourselves struggling to find places for them in our refrigerator.  It would be nice to have a few egg cartons to put them in!  Trouble is...we don't buy eggs to have cartons.  If any of you purchase eggs...and think to...we would love to have your used cartons.  These cartons also have proven useful with some crafts we do.


Speaking of chickens.  The chickens would never be so bold as to ask...but on their behalf I will say...if at the end of your meals you have leftovers headed for the trash...put them in a bag or other container...and the chickens will magically turn those leftovers into eggs!  The chickens are NOT picky! They will eat most anything as long as it isn't moldy.  The children also really enjoy having special treats to feed the chickens.  Thanks!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Knitted Toys...

People who bring their children to our home after they have been exposed to non-waldorf inspired programs often comment on the toys in our play room.  "Wow...everything is made of wood and wool!"  They are perhaps surprised to see an absence of plastic toys that loudly beep and race around the room.

This is of course one of the things that contributes to the soft atmosphere that we endeavor to maintain.  It helps the children learn to use their imaginations by using "simple" toys.  We also really believe there is value in the handling of "real" materials...not made pressed in a mold in some factory...but made with love by a craftsperson.

One skill area that I have yet to in the realm of knitting.  There are some people out there who blow me away with how they can knit whatever they can think of.  I'm not just talking about just knitted hats or blankets...but freely fabricated objects in any size and shape they desire.  One thing that I have seen made that I think is especially fun for preschoolers and kindergartners is knitted fruits and veggies!  Look at the photo...aren't they fun!  A set of these could provide play meals for years...even generations to come!

Here is a youtube video showcasing some knitting talent.  And another fun and imaginative video of knitted characters.  Perhaps you could learn to knit!...or purchase the fine work of those that do for your child!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Eggs to be dyed...

Egg dying is lots of fun.  It's one of our families favorite seasonal crafts.  While we have done the dyes that come in tablets from the local is really cool that there are alternative ways to make your eggs have that Easter spirit...even without potentially harmful dyes.

And I will say on a side note.  A person might say..."It doesn't matter what you put on the won't affect the egg inside!"  But that is not the truth.  An egg shell is very porous.  In fact...just taking off a shell of a dyed will often find that the white of the egg has taken on some dye.  That happens as differences in temperature between the interior of the egg and the exterior of the egg take place and a vacuum is created...sucking whatever is on the exterior of the egg into the inside of the egg!

But I digress...

With the preschool...we have done egg dying with onion skins from the store.  To do go to a store that has onions in a bulk bin.  Generally there will be a lot of skins running free.  Fill up a bag with them and pay for them with your onions.  If they look at you funny...just tell them about your fun craft!  Take those skins and put them in boiling water.  After the water has cooled to a can put the eggs into the water and let them soak up the color until they are as vibrant as you desire them.  We like to put a leaf on the egg prior to submersion and wrap a pantyhose stocking around the egg and tie it off.  This leaves a beautiful leaf print on your egg!

Here is another method where a woman puts the skins directly on the egg.

Here is some great info on using a variety of plant products to dye eggs.

And is a process...that while I wouldn't want to pop one of these eggs into my potato makes use of an on-hand recycled resource...and the results are super cool.  It's dyeing eggs with old silk ties!

Alright...go make some memories with your families!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sun Hats and Spring Break...

It's officially sun hat season again!

Just wanted to give you a heads up...that in the event you are looking for a lightweight...really good coverage hat...they are selling them at Costco for a really good price.  Hats that usually go for $40 or so are sold there for $15-$25.  The price difference is based on size.

Please label the hat with your childs and/or family name so that we know whose is whose!  Many of the parents shop at the same stores...and they are easily mixed up.

Also...just to remind you...the 18th-22nd is spring break...and we will be closed during that time.


Stephen and Lovell Nix

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Savez Vous Planter Des Choux

Right now in circle time we are doing a traditional french song called Savez Vous Planter Des Choux.  The song talks about planting cabbages with different body parts.  We have started planting cabbages with our "doigt" or in english "fingers".  As the month progresses we will add more body parts to plant with.  It's lots of fun and I'm always amazed at how quickly the children pick up the words!

Here is a video with the song.  Enjoy!