Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Melty Crayons and Scratch Paper...

On rainy days like today...we often do "melty crayons". Two trays are plugged in...and they get just warm enough to make crayons melt when placed on the tray. It's like painting with crayons! The kids love it and never seem to tire of it. It also serves to warm up rainy day cold hands.

They are often to be found at your local thrift store...as they were really popular a few decades ago. They look like the one in the photo above...only without the soup!

Or...they can be purchased at places like Amazon for like $50 or more! (I say look at a thrift store!)

When the kids really start getting into their art...it doesn't take them long to go through a good amount of paper. Instead of giving them brand new paper for the 5 masterpieces they might do in one sitting...we prefer to give them recycled..."Scratch" paper.

As a request...if you think to...will you please save your paper that could be used as scratch paper? It can be any size...any color...it just needs one blank side. Just make sure that it doesn't have any sensitive information on it!

You may find that your contribution comes back to you like a boomerang...only with priceless art on it...and a meaningful and often lengthy conversation about it's meaning! Wonderful!

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Childcare Industry Struggles...

Here is an article from a recent edition of the Sacramento Bee about the state of the childcare industry in our region. While it is not our intent to close our doors anytime soon...I thought it would be good for you to see how this business (like many other industries) can be a fragile one...and what is taking place in our area. When the parents lose their jobs...move...etc...childcares take a hit in their income as well. If it is substantial enough of a hit...and the childcare is unable to keep up with expenses...they ultimately close down. While we have lost some families to losing employment...under employment...and other reasons...we have continued to increase our enrollment with the word of mouth from happy parents.

We hope that you will continue to spread the good word!...and thank you for doing so in the past.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Snack Time Opening...

Here is a video of our current opening to our snack and lunch...

The words go as follows...

"Fire fairies...little flame so warm and bright...give to us your golden light"
"Hands together...hands apart...hands together we're ready to start"
"We thank the Creator for the harvest of the earth...we thank the earth for it's food...we thank the food for it's gift of life...to the one who prepared it...we give our gratitude".

Monday, April 19, 2010

Tortilla Day!!

If you didn't know already...Thursday is tortilla day!  A day loved by all of the children...and adults!  We are often asked for the recipe and about the process...so here it is!

1.5 cups unbleached flour
1.5 cups wheat flour (I’ve used millet flour and bean flour…be creative!
2 tsp. baking powder (preferably non-aluminum)
1 tsp. salt
4-6 Tbsp butter
1 1/4 cups warm water
I also throw in some flax seed and/or flax oil
Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl.

Add butter. I squish it together with my hands.

Next add warm water a little at a time until your dough is soft and not sticky. You do not need very hot water.

Knead the dough for a few minutes.

Now you will pull off pieces of dough to form about 12 small balls. Let them rest for at least 10 minutes, longer if you like.

This is a good time to heat up the 
cast iron skillet.  You will want to set it at medium to high heat.  The higher it is...the closer you need to stay to make sure they don't burn!

Now you can roll out the dough with your rolling pin. It is a good
idea to dust each ball with a little flour just before you roll them out. Lay the pin in the center of the dough ball and roll up, center and roll down. It is good to lift the dough and turn it. Again, rolling pin in the center and roll. Roll them out thin and roundish.

Lay your tortilla on the hot and dry cast iron skillet. We don't use any oil on the skillet...as we find that it smokes. Flip it after it loses it's "wet" look.  I flip it with my fingers...but you could use a spatula if you are afraid!  When it comes off we put it on a plate...quickly run a stick of butter over it and serve them hot.  We eat often eat them with beans...cheese...rice...and salsa...but they are great just on their own too.  Enjoy!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Seeds of Change...

It's planting time again!  We are very excited about our garden this year.  Each time we learn more about how to make things work better.  We planted some "Dills Atlantic Giant Pumpkins" that should produce some mammoth sized pumpkins.  We have also planted some flats of tomatoes (that you are welcome to take home once they are transplanted by the children and I)...flowers...and plenty of other plant treats!

If you are looking to purchase seed for gardening...I wanted to let you know about "Seeds of Change".  That is where most of our seed comes from.  They have a donation program each year that we participate in where we can purchase a small box of last years seed for a minimal shipping fee...because we have a school.  They have really helped us out to be able to plant more than we would without their generosity.

They offer organic...open-pollenated seed at great prices.  I love to just sit and drool over all of the wonderful plants they offer in their seed catalog!  They offer friendly support...and will answer any questions you have.  A great place to purchase your seed.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Better Sun Hats...

Suddenly...the sun is in the sky.  Time to put away our beanies and pull out our brimmed sun hats!  Over the years that we have done preschool...I have seen lot's of sun hats on children.  

Some hats that are too small and give them headaches or easily fall off.  

I've seen hats that are so big that they constantly impede the child's play by falling in their eyes...or fall off every time they bend over.  

Hats that are so thick that the child pleads with me that they can take it off as sweat streams down their face.  

Hats with tiny brims that don't actually protect them from the sun...or protect just one side like a baseball cap.

And of course good hats too!

Here is what to look for in a hat...

1. A large brim.

2.  Lightweight material.

3.  A good fit.  It's nice to find one that is adjustable to fit properly.

If I were to choose one hat for all of the children to wear...it would be something like this one.  It's mesh sides breathe well...it stays on and even has a strap that can ensure it does...offers great sun protection with it's large brim and flap back...and offers great peripheral vision!  A PERFECT HAT!!  You might consider such a hat for your child this season...:)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

5 Little Ducks...

One thing that you will find as you learn childrens songs...is that there are many...many...many different versions!  In the Waldorf world...many of the songs that are sung aren't actually written down...they are just passed down orally from teacher to teacher.  It is interesting to go for training and learn how many ways ONE song is done by different teachers...with different movements...tunes...and words.

Right now as a part of our circle we are doing the children's classic "5 Little Ducks".  

Our lyrics go like this...

"5 little ducks went out one day...over the hills and far away
Mother duck called quack...quack...quack...quack...
and 4 little ducks came running back..."

Then it counts down to zero and we say...

"1 little duck went out one day...over the hills and far away
Mother duck called quack...quack...quack...quack...
and no little ducks came running back..."

"Then the father duck called...
(in a deep voice)
(we clap our hands)
"and all 5 ducks came running back.

We do two versions of our movements.  One where we are sitting and doing hand motions...and one where the children run away...and then run back.  They LOVE it!!

Here is a video on youtube that is probably the closest to our version.  Interestingly enough it is the Wiggles!  Very mainstream and not real Waldorf!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Johnny Appleseed...

While the story of the John Chapman has largely been romanticized...I love the idea of a man who traveled...planting food for others to enjoy.  His is a story that speaks to a philanthropy that is not merely giving money...but giving time and effort to seek the good of mankind...even if you may never see the fruits of your labors.

The children quickly identify with this character.  They carefully collect the seeds out of whatever fruit we are eating...and exclaim "I'm going to grow a fruit tree!"  They tuck their seeds in their pockets...and then find the perfect spot to plant them.  (Generally right in a pathway!)

As a part of our circle this month...we are singing the "Johnny Appleseed Song".  It is a traditional song in the US.  It has long been used as a table grace.

These are the lyrics...

Oh, the Lord's been good to me.
And so I thank the Lord
For giving me the things I need:
The sun, the rain and the appleseed;
Oh, the Lord's been good to me.

Oh, and every seed I sow
Will grow into a tree.
And someday there'll be apples there
For everyone in the world to share. 

Oh, the Lord is good to me.

Oh, here I am 'neath the blue, blue sky
Doing as I please.
Singing with my feathered friends
Humming with the bees.

I wake up every day,
As happy as can be,
Because I know that with His care
My apple trees, they will still be there.
The Lord's been good to me.

Here is a video with the tune...but with different lyrics.

I have thought of him when I see old apple tree's growing out on untended land...and wonder if he had anything to do with it!  Perhaps your children will too!