Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Melty Crayons and Scratch Paper...

On rainy days like today...we often do "melty crayons". Two trays are plugged in...and they get just warm enough to make crayons melt when placed on the tray. It's like painting with crayons! The kids love it and never seem to tire of it. It also serves to warm up rainy day cold hands.

They are often to be found at your local thrift store...as they were really popular a few decades ago. They look like the one in the photo above...only without the soup!

Or...they can be purchased at places like Amazon for like $50 or more! (I say look at a thrift store!)

When the kids really start getting into their art...it doesn't take them long to go through a good amount of paper. Instead of giving them brand new paper for the 5 masterpieces they might do in one sitting...we prefer to give them recycled..."Scratch" paper.

As a request...if you think to...will you please save your paper that could be used as scratch paper? It can be any size...any color...it just needs one blank side. Just make sure that it doesn't have any sensitive information on it!

You may find that your contribution comes back to you like a boomerang...only with priceless art on it...and a meaningful and often lengthy conversation about it's meaning! Wonderful!

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