Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Johnny Appleseed...

While the story of the John Chapman has largely been romanticized...I love the idea of a man who traveled...planting food for others to enjoy.  His is a story that speaks to a philanthropy that is not merely giving money...but giving time and effort to seek the good of mankind...even if you may never see the fruits of your labors.

The children quickly identify with this character.  They carefully collect the seeds out of whatever fruit we are eating...and exclaim "I'm going to grow a fruit tree!"  They tuck their seeds in their pockets...and then find the perfect spot to plant them.  (Generally right in a pathway!)

As a part of our circle this month...we are singing the "Johnny Appleseed Song".  It is a traditional song in the US.  It has long been used as a table grace.

These are the lyrics...

Oh, the Lord's been good to me.
And so I thank the Lord
For giving me the things I need:
The sun, the rain and the appleseed;
Oh, the Lord's been good to me.

Oh, and every seed I sow
Will grow into a tree.
And someday there'll be apples there
For everyone in the world to share. 

Oh, the Lord is good to me.

Oh, here I am 'neath the blue, blue sky
Doing as I please.
Singing with my feathered friends
Humming with the bees.

I wake up every day,
As happy as can be,
Because I know that with His care
My apple trees, they will still be there.
The Lord's been good to me.

Here is a video with the tune...but with different lyrics.

I have thought of him when I see old apple tree's growing out on untended land...and wonder if he had anything to do with it!  Perhaps your children will too!

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